Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Drugs, Thugs, and Tough Love

    Being a Texan, I've grown up with influence of the Hispanic community complementing the American culture my parents chose to raise me in.  I remember taking visits to the other side of the border to visit family.  Running through the streets of a border town with my siblings and cousins made for some fond memories.  20 years later, we hardly recognize each other.  While many Americans view Mexico as a noisy downstairs neighbor, I see a friend that's fallen on hard times.

    Things have spiraled out of control and many were content to ignore the problem, lock the door, and wait for things to work themselves out, for better or for worse.  This article illustrates how close to home the problem is.  It is now becoming common for bullets to cross from side to side during routine drug busts.  The call for border security is generally seen as locking the door to keep the bad people out.  However, the violence in Mexico is directly related to our bad habits, and unfortunately, is primed to jump the Rio Grande into our cities.  The article states how Ciudad Juarez, just a stone's throw from El Paso, has become one of the most dangerous cities in the world.  It may be time to recognize our role in Mexico's problems and prepare to lend an honest, helping hand to a nation in dire need.

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